Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Two for Tuesday

I'd like to write a post about the wonder of snow.
The joy that it brought my children.
The fun that they had playing outside, building a snowman.
Maybe I'd even post some pictures of snow angels that they made.

But, it didn't snow. Not even a flake's worth.


So... what else am I thankful for today?

Let's see...

1. Patience. I worked late at school tonight, like I do most Tuesdays. I emailed Daddy H and asked him if he wanted Subway for dinner. Sure. So, I arrived at the local Subway at 7:05 p.m. I returned to my car at 7:29 p.m. And there was only one person in front of me. I literally felt like I was watching things happen in slow motion. It...was...painful...to...say...the...least... I contemplated leaving and just coming on home, but I figured that 1) at least they were working, not sitting home collecting unemployment and 2) they were taking their time to craft each sandwich for the person in front of me with impeccable attention to detail. And, really, who am I to be in such a hurry?

2. One day at a time. I haven't been doing well on my diet lately at all. In fact, I have been in what I would call a "holding pattern" for the past 2 months. TWO MONTHS. 60+ days. Wasted. For the longest time, I didn't gain weight, I maintained. Until the last 2 weeks. I have gained 6 pounds back of the 36 I had lost altogether. 1/6 of it! So, today, once again, I told myself that I was back on the wagon. I honestly struggled with it all day. But I told myself that I need to take baby steps ONE DAY AT A TIME until I am motivated, losing weight, and back on track like I was before the holidays.

What TWO things are you thankful for today?

1 comment:

  1. Two things I'm thankful for today:

    1. Getting to spend the weekend in VA with my grandmother, and having my flight cancelled yesterday so that I got to spend another evening with her before catching a very early flight back to CT this morning.

    2. The Thai restaurant in town that delivers very yummy food on the days when both Husband and I are far too tired to even think about turning on the stove. Today was one of those days.


I am very THANKFUL for any and all comments! They truly make my day! So, THANKS!